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Photography, filmmaking, social media, travel & technology by @itchban

Inspiration for Instagram

Instagram is missing a curation feature

Instagram is great and all. You get to take photos and share them with your friends and the world. You can follow people and appreciate their photos. It is missing a pretty significant feature however..

You can't share with your friends, photos from other people that you like. It has an "explore" page which tries to do this job, but isn't exactly great. 

If you could only curate an gallery of photos from other users to share with your friends and followers. That way, people could find more interesting and high quality Instagrammers to follow - we know there are enough dud accounts out there to sift through.. It would be immensely helpful as a photographer and general Instagram user to be able to draw from an board of inspiration...

Pinterest: Instagram Inspiration board

In response to this missing "curation" feature, i have created a Pinterest board (below) of photos that I like on Instagram from other users. In the description of the board I have included the Instagrammers username so you can check out their galleries yourself if you like what you see! 

I personally / manually upload each picture. This is made easier because all the photos I like on Instagram is automatically saved to my dropbox folder via this cool app called IFTTT

You can find out how to do that in an article I have written previously by clicking here..

Anyway, hope you enjoy the pics in the Pinterest board above! 

Be sure to follow the board below as I update it on a daily basis. Also follow me on Instagram @itchban and Twitter @itchban